It’s also a good trick to know if you’re ever out and your strap suddenly snaps. Photographic triage here we come.   See also: Best phone camera 2017 | Best cameras 2017 | Everything you need to know about Google Photos

How to make a camera strap: What you’ll need

A strap is one of the simplest DIY projects you can attempt, especially this one we’ve put together. You don’t need any special skills, sewing prowess, or welding googles. Just find an old scarf and a couple of hairbands. That’s it. We told you it was simple.

How to make a camera strap: Putting it all together

Take one of the hairbands and feed it halfway through the camera strap hooks on the side of your camera. Then fold back the lower loop and pull it up through the higher one.

Pull it nice and tight so that you have a big loop sticking out at the top. Then do the same on the other hook.

That’s half of the work done. Next up – attaching the scarf. To do this you just feed the end of the scarf through one of the loops then tie a knot in the scarf when it’s at your desired length. You should do a few test runs first to see exactly where you need the knot to be.

Repeat the process with the remaining end of the scraf threaded through the other loop.

And now you have your very own DIY camera strap.

Be sure to tie those knots good and tight, we don’t want any accidents, then head out into the world assured that your photographic adventures won’t end in disaster. Martyn has been involved with tech ever since the arrival of his ZX Spectrum back in the early 80s. He covers iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, writing tutorials, buying guides and reviews for Macworld and its sister site Tech Advisor.

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